Saturday, February 11, 2012


Here are the first ten LOBBY CARDS for KNIFEPOINT - the film is currently at the Berlin Film Market being sold internationally.

KNIFEPOINT is gearing up for our eventual domestic release --- COMING SOON TO THE US!!!

ADAM (Scott Elrod)  enters the loft and surveys the damage. 

LORRAINE (Kym Jackson) holds ABBIE (Katherine Randolph) beneath her boot.

 MICHELE (Krista Braun) and ABBIE (Katherine Randolph) see their worst nightmares coming true.

 LORRAINE (Kym Jackson) gets down and dirty.

MICHAEL (Bobby Ray Shafer), EMILY (Lenora May), and CHRISTIAN (Andrew Hilyard) see the carnage.

 JESS (Grant Reynolds) holds CHRISTIAN (Andrew Hilyard) at KNIFEPOINT.

JESS (Grant Reynolds) commands LORRAINE (Kym Jackson) and JIMMY (Brian Gross) to "Get the dead outta here."

OLDBOY (R.A. Mihailoff) loves every minute of it.

CARL (Chuck Borden) takes MICHELE (Krista Braun) down the rabbit hole.

RIZZO (Andy Mackenzie) cradles his brother CARL (Chuck Borden)

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